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We are partners in the European INTENCIVE project, which aims to improve the quality and accessibility of health services for all citizens, through an approach focused on the needs of users and technological and organisational innovation.
The INTENCIVE project carried out a state-of-the-art e-health in European regions and partner countries in early 2020 to identify “good practices”.
11 good e-health practices have been identified in Brittany.
Interviews to assess these good e-health practices are underway.
Here are some examples of practices evaluated:
- Telemedicine tools at the Saint-Helier rehabilitation centre in Rennes (more): focus on chronic wounds
- The ophthalmology teleconsultation tool of the University Hospital of Rennes, the Janzé hospital and the associated EPHAD (read more about the first phase of experimentation and the second phase of experimentation)
- Kerpape REHAB LAB where patients with disabilities can be involved in the design of their technical aid through the use of 3D printing (more)
The interviews were conducted using the Danish Bikva method with professionals using e-health tools or with patients benefiting from e-health tools. These interviews allow free mention of the contribution, limitations and recommendations that would improve the use of the tool. Together with Biotech Santé Bretagne, GCS e-Santé and the Brittany Region are involved in this project at the regional level.
Focus on a partner country: Malta
In September 2020 Malta invited the partners of the INTENCIVE project to discover the good e-health practices of its territory. Three practices were particularly highlighted:
- Pharmacy Of Your Choice – “Pharmacy of your choice” is a model that improves health services for all citizens. 220 pharmacies participate, registrants receive free home deliveries, including those aged 70 and over. This project is particularly targeted at rural and elderly areas. Read more…
- Personal health portal “myHealth” – A portal for patients/doctors containing lab results, radio reports, appointment planning…) particularly for seniors and people in rural or remote areas. Read more…
- “Pervasive Electronic Monitoring in healthcare” – A research project to improve the quality of life of seniors with dementia by assisting them in their daily activities, while facilitating their social engagement with caregivers and their families through experimentation and the development of prototypes (portable equipment). Read more…
On 26 November, it will be the turn of the Bretons to promote good regional practices to European partners. Biotech Santé Bretagne will organize a webinar to highlight 3 good Breton practices and a thematic meeting in partnership with the ECHAlliance network on “e-health in innovation ecosystems”.
To learn more about the European INTENCIVE project and good e-health practices in Brittany and partner countries, contact Adeline Jacob, Head of European Projects at Biotech Santé Bretagne: adelinebi[at]otech-sante-bretagne.fr.
Published on 26/10/2020